




「霊魂学最前線・水波霊魂学の基礎知識 32 救世主」


Q1 Who is the savior?

A1 There is no true spiritual salvation if someone helps you unilaterally.

There have always been saviors, or spiritual masters who could be called saviors. I think that a person who has a Shintai can basically be called a savior.

However, the simple thing of being saved just because you believed in the Savior is not enough.

People enter the spiritual world with yūtai. Therefore, we have to grow yūtai while we are in this world.

In that sense, the practice of growing yūtai is the salvation. Furthermore, training to advance the whole soul is also necessary.

The training is something you do yourself. Therefore, it is you who save you.

Let’s say the savior is himself. I don’t ask anyone to save me.

Having said that, it was the god of Fuji who showed the world the practice of growing yūtai and advancing the whole soul. It was the founder of the Shinden law of the world who taught it as a practice of the world.

In that sense, the savior in the spiritual sense is the divine spirit, superior spirit who works as his subordinates, and the founder of the Shinden law.

No matter how good the technique is, it is a rice cake that you have drawn without someone to practice it.

I think the important thing is that you are willing to work hard to grow your spiritual side and save yourself.

いかがでしょう? では早速、赤文字の部分を見ていきましょう。

  • the simple thing of being saved just because you believed in the Savior is not enough.
  • 原文:「救い主をただ信じたから救われる、というような単純な事では困ります」


  • Nobody will be saved simply by believing the Savior.⇒信じるだけでは誰も救われません。
  • It is not so easy if you think you are saved just by believing the Savior.⇒信じただけで救われるという簡単なものではありません。


  • Let’s say the savior is himself. I don’t ask anyone to save me.
  • 原文:救世主は自分自身と言えましょう。誰かに救ってもらうわけではありません。

主語が曖昧になっている訳文です。「自分自身」というのは「あなた」だと想定します。「言えましょう」の部分は、ツールが読解できずに「言いましょう」と解釈したために、「Let’s say・・」になったと思われます。


例えば、「あなたはB君に好かれている」を、You are liked by B、とするよりも、「B君はあなたが好きです」B likes you. とするほうが簡潔でわかりやすいということです。意味・意図が通じるのであれば、できるだけシンプルでわかりやすい文を選んでいきましょう。ここは、

  • You yourself are the savior. Nobody will give/grant you salvation. としてみます。

  • It was the founder of the Shinden law of the world who taught it as a practice of the world.
  • 原文:それをこの世の修行法として指導されたのは、この世の神伝の法の創始者です。

「of the world」というのは、「この世の」という部分が訳されたものです。富士の神に対して、地上・この世では、という意味合いなので、水波師・Master Mizubaを「この世の/地上の」と解釈することで、よりわかりやすいのではないかと考えます。「Shinden law」は「Shinden method」に置き換えます。「富士の神」は「god of Fuji」とそのまま訳されていますが、そのあとの文章で「神霊」と表現されていますので、訳文を統一するために、「Divine spirit of Fuji」としてもいいかと思います。

  • It was Master Mizuba, the founder of the Shinden method, who taught people this training method.

  • A rice cake that you have drawn.
  • 原文:絵に描いた餅

このような日本特有の言い回しについては、同じような意味合いの言葉を検索するのが一番です。今回は、「どんなにいいものでも、、実際に役に立たなければ意味がない」、ということで、よく聞くのは、A pie in the skyです。「空に浮かんだパイ」ですね。食べ物つながりでもあり、わかりやすいと思います。


Q1 Who is the savior?

A1 There is no true spiritual salvation if someone helps you unilaterally.

There have always been saviors, or spiritual masters who could be called saviors. I think that a person who has a Shintai can basically be called a savior.

However, it is not so easy if you think you are saved just by believing in the Savior.

People will enter the spiritual world with yūtai. Therefore, we have to grow yūtai while we are in this world.

That means that the practice of growing yūtai is the salvation. Furthermore, training to advance the whole soul is also necessary.

The training is something you do yourself. Therefore, it is you who save you.

You yourself are the savior. Nobody will give/grant you salvation.

Having said that, it was the divine spirit of Fuji who showed the world the practice of growing yūtai and advancing the whole soul.

And it was Master Mizuba, the founder of the Shinden method, who taught people this training method.

In that sense, the saviors in the spiritual sense are the divine spirit, superior spirits who work as his subordinates, and the founder of the Shinden method.

No matter how good the technique is, it is a pie in the sky without someone to practice it.

I think the important thing is that you are willing to work hard to grow your spiritual side and save yourself.



種をまいて花が咲く 注)このページ、及び「英語で霊魂学」のコーナーは、当サイトの投稿者である「さんば」が、水波霊魂学で学んだことをもとに、個人の解釈と理解の範囲内で書き進めています。「契山館」の公式な見解ではありません。

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